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Basic steps of plastic mold manufacturing

  • 作者:管理员
  • 发布时间:2022-08-05
  • 点击:33

Plastic mold is known as the mother of industry and is widely used, ranging from aircraft shell to a small bottle cap in life. So how are plastic molds so important to industry made? Next, Xiaobian will take you to uncover the manufacturing steps of plastic molds.

1、 Analyze and understand plastic products

Understand and master the structural characteristics and uses of plastic products according to the drawings. Products of different uses have different shapes, dimensional tolerances and surface quality requirements. These should be fully considered before design. Secondly, we should master the characteristics of the plastic used in the products, because the plastic characteristics will directly affect the shrinkage of plastic products and the temperature conditions during injection molding.

2、 Determine the plastic mold design scheme

A set of high-quality plastic molds starts with a high-quality mold design scheme. The mold design scheme includes:

1. The basic structure of the mold. Determine the external dimension of the mold; Choose a reasonable parting surface; Determine the gating system used in the plastic mold.

2. Choose plastic mold materials and standard parts

The use of standard parts can improve the accuracy of mold manufacturing, shorten the mold production cycle, and reduce production costs.

3、 Develop process flow

The process flow is based on the plastic mold design drawings. Each department formulates the whole plastic mold process. The basic principle of formulating process flow is to ensure that customers' products are completed with low cost and high efficiency.

4、 Trial mold

Mold testing is a very important part of the whole plastic mold manufacturing, and it is also an important way to check whether the mold is qualified. Therefore, mold testing is an essential part in the whole plastic mold manufacturing.







