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China's precision mold market has a promising future!

  • 作者:管理员
  • 发布时间:2022-08-05
  • 点击:28

With the development of economy, the mold industry is increasingly developed, and the requirements of many industries for molds are also beginning to change. The prospect of precision mold industry is broad, and the supply of precision mold market exceeds the demand. However, the proportion of high, middle and low-end production in China's mold industry is extremely unbalanced, which is very detrimental to the development of China's mold industry. There is an urgent need to speed up structural adjustment, develop the high-end market and keep pace with the international market.

Accelerate structural adjustment

Compared with the past, China's mold technology level has been greatly improved, but the proportion of high, medium and low-end production in the domestic mold industry is extremely unbalanced, which is very detrimental to the development of China's mold industry. Although in recent years, the structure and system of China's mold industry have made great changes, mainly as follows: medium and high-end molds, large, precision, complex, long life. However, due to the excessive demand for medium and low-grade molds in China, the self matching rate of medium and high-grade molds is less than 60%. It is not difficult to see that it is unreasonable.

They are mainly manifested in the following aspects: first, constraints such as die steel; 2、 The standardization level needs to be improved; 3、 High end mold talents are in urgent need of cultivation; 4、 Speed up the pace of mold product structure adjustment; 5、 Increase investment to strengthen innovation ability; 6、 Promote the joint reorganization among mold enterprises; 7、 Overseas market development needs to be deepened.

Improve the technological level

Due to the high dependence on imports of key and core molds in downstream industries, especially in the automotive industry, a series of key and core injection molding products required for related host products are also mainly provided by these internationally renowned mold enterprises.

In recent years, the enterprises in the cabinet have continued to improve the mold technology and products. Therefore, some plastic molds or injection molded parts have begun to circulate internationally, successfully entered the supply chain system of some high-end industries, and replaced some imported products to get rid of their dependence. However, it is undeniable that only a few of them have entered the international high-end market.

According to the 12th Five Year Plan, China's mold industry will focus on breaking through large and precise plastic mold design, such as automotive plastic mold, marine plastic mold, etc. Only by constantly following up these new advanced technologies and products will they not be eliminated by the times. With the improvement of the technical level and the gradual increase of product levels in China's mold industry, now some international mainframe industry supply chain systems are further inclined to domestic enterprises, which will be an opportunity and challenge. It is understood that by 2015, the independent matching rate of molds required by the Chinese market will reach more than 85%, of which the independent matching rate of medium and high-end molds will be significantly increased.

Some experts pointed out that in the future, China's mold industry should not only continue to improve its production capacity, but also focus on the internal structural adjustment and the improvement of the level of technological development. It is mainly the adjustment of enterprise structure to specialization, the development of product structure towards medium and high-end molds, the improvement of import and export structure, the forming analysis and structural improvement of medium and high-end automobile panel molds, the application of multi-functional composite molds and composite processing and laser technology in mold design and manufacturing, high-speed cutting, ultra precision machining and polishing technology, and informatization.

Facing the world mold market, especially the high-end market, which has a broad prospect, everyone will be moved. In view of the development status of the mold industry, research and develop relevant mold and machine tool products to seize the market.







